Friday, November 15, 2013

JAXDUG meetup on SignalR : Key takeaways

  • A project that started off as an open source that is now part of the official .NET Framework 4.5.
  • An Server Side functionality to push content out to the browsers(clients). This allows real-time web updates to the browsers.
  • It is officially part of the HTML5 specifications.
  • Supports WebSocket implementation.
  • For SignalR to use WebSocket, IIS8 and Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8 is required.
  • SignalR Hubs API allows us to make remote Procedure Calls(RPCs) from Server to Client and vice versa.
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Monday, November 11, 2013

ASP.Net Troubleshooting

  • Troubleshooting 503 “service unavailable” errors:
A common “what the hell just happened” error is the plain 503 “service available” error that looks like this:
While there may be several reasons why this may occur, in this specific case, the 503 error was occurring because the Application pool failed to start. This was because the password was changed recently for the  Identity under which the application pool was trying to run. Fix was to go to the IIS Manager-> Application Pool -> Advanced Settings -> Process Model -> Identity and set the password to the new one.
It would also help to check the Event Viewer Logs(Event Viewer (Local) -> Windows Logs -> Application to look for specific causes of failure before proceeding to troubleshoot any further.
  •  'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine error:         
This issue happened because of missing drivers to access OLE DB and also the fact that the drivers are not compatible with 64 bit OS. Follow the following steps to fix this issue:
1. Install Microsoft Access 2010 Database Engine from
2. Go to the website's application pool in IIS, choose advanced settings, and set Enable 32-bit applications to FALSE.
3.  Restart the website.
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Monday, October 28, 2013

Windows Communication Foundation - Gotchas

Gotcha: Server is always receiving a NULL value parameter though the client is sending the appropriate data. Method signature in the proxy and wsdls seem to be correct.
Solution: Look for the name of the parameter in the generated wsdls. WCF does a string comparison of the parameters, therefore, watch out to see if the wsdls and the generated proxies have an exact match even in the parameter names. A trained programmer mind might often overlook this fact since in the world of computer programming method signatures matter and the actual parameter names are irrelevant.

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C# - How to change Date in Visual Studio Debugger

1. Set the breakpoint
2. Open your DateTime variable in QuickWatch for example (right click)
3. In Expression text box enter new value, this is example if your variable name is "dt":
dt = dt.AddDays(3) or DateTime.Parse or new DateTime()
 4. Press enter and continue executing project

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Immigration FAQs

1) What is my Visa Number?
A) It is the Red number in Visa page in passport.

2) What is USCIS 'A' number?
A) It is the number found in “Beneficiary” section seen on my previous I-140 approval with Microsoft. 
3) How to find your I-94 Number?
A) The I-94 page is no longer being stamped at the port of entry when you enter the US. You can retrieve your I94 number from the following link:
4) What is the link to track my USCIS case status?

5) What are the details to be mentioned in the experience letters to be provided by previous employers for Green Card application?
A) The employment letter should contain your exact dates of prior employment, job duties, job title, employer address, type of business and number of hours worked.  
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Monday, September 16, 2013

Windows Communication Foundation - Different ways of generating classes from wsdl

1)      Command prompt using svcutil.exe
Example1: Generating from wsdl
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC>svcutil <pathtowsdl>\Sample.wsdl /out:<outputpath>\Sample.cs /config:<outputpath>\Sample.config /targetClientVersion:Version30 
Example2: Generating from xsd
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC>svcutil svcutil <pathtowsdl>\Sample.xsd /out:<outputpath>\Sample.cs

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2)      Adding a service reference to the solution in Visual Studio.

3)      From VisualStudio-> Tools -> External Tools . (Configured svcutil.exe to the external tools. )
Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\SvcUtil.exe
Arguments: /language:C# /out:IEventNotification.cs $(ItemPath) 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Software Engineering - C# Coding Guidelines

"How do we convince people that in programming simplicity and clarity —in short: what mathematicians call "elegance"— are not a dispensable luxury, but a crucial matter that decides between success and failure? " - Edsger W Dijkstra
Introduction:  A common coding document is needed for development of tools and applications. The common coding standard should be a living document that can foster the development of robust, readable, transferable code. It is also designed to enforce a consistent style across the project and allow code reuse. A consistent coding standard across multiple teams will greatly reduce rework and encourage cross group collaboration. This document outlines the basic recommendations while doing C# coding.



Comments should follow the recommendations in the C# language reference.
Single line comments are prefixed by ///
Multi line comments are written as

The line length should not exceed 120 characters to improve the readability of the code on a standard 15’’ monitor.

Issue markers.
Some times there is a need to leave reminder in the code about uncompleted work or special cases that might not be handled correctly.

Naming Convention:

Name Spaces, Class Names, Function names, Properties, Static Variables: ( Pascal Casing )
                        e.g., SendPacket( )       - good
                                send_packet( )      - bad
                                _Send_Packet( )    - bad

Variable names: ( Camel Casing )
                        e.g., int cnt = 0;             - good
                                int smallCounter = 0; - good
                                int small_counter = 0; - bad
                                int SmallCnt = 0;    - bad

Function Parameters: Use Camel casing for function parameters
                        e.g., DoSomething( int someInteger, int someOtherInt )

Give meaningful names to the vaiable names. For example, for looping through an array use the following
for(int index = 0; index < arraySize; index++)
Instead of
for(int x = 0; x < arraySize; x++)

Note that a Class, Function or variable name should reflect its purpose as closely as possible. The general convention to be followed is that class names should be nouns and Function names should be verbs.

Static member variables should be prefixed by an underscore to differentiate it from the property naming convention of a class. (Ex: _SampleStaticVariableName).


Handling Namespaces: The following general rule is suggested for naming a namespace. <Company>.<Application>.<Feature>

Member Variables and Properties: Avoid use of public member variables within a class. In C#, the convention is to create private member variables and public Properties that expose these variables.

Function Modularity: The function should do exactly what its name indicates. Keep the function as modular as possible. The general rule of thumb is, if a function is performing more than one operation, consider breaking up the function into two independent modular functions and create a wrapper that calls these two independent functions.  Also also avoid deep nesting inside a function wherever possible. This makes the code difficult to comprehend and increases the complexity. General rule of thumb is if a function is nested more than three levels deep, consider breaking it down into separate modular functions.

Exit points from a function: The function should ideally have one exit point. This can be accomplished by use of a return variable that can be assigned several times within a function but will be returned only once.

Default constructor: If no default constructor is provided by the developer, the language will automatically provide a default constructor that returns a zero initialized instance of the value type. It is advisable to add the default constructor always to avoid versioning issues as adding a new constructor in later version will replace the default constructor, thus breaking older clients.

Destructor and Finalize: Since garbage collection is done automatically, the destructor cannot be invoked explicitly. The destructor with the ~ notation and Finalize( ) implementation in a class map to the same thing. When an instance of a class is destructed, the destructor in that inheritance chain is called in order from the most derived to the least derived
Design guidelines suggest the following for destructor/finalize:
  1. Provide destructor/Finalize to cleanup unmanaged resources.
  2. There is a performance penalty in using a destructor. ( orders of magnitude )
  3. Do not throw exceptions from the destructor.
  4. Do not block or wait in finalizers.
  5. Don’t do locking in a destructor/Finalize.
  6. Implement the Dispose pattern ( called from IDisposable ) whenever a finalize or a destructor is implemented. Dispose gives better control to clean up the resources than Finalize does.

Dead Code: Dead code should be removed and unused code shouldn’t be part of the active source code. Keeping dead code around adds more maintenance cost as the code is read more often than it is written through its life cycle. A developer can figure out specific changes in a project by using TFS Change History.

Exception Handling: It is advisable to use try - catch - finally mechanism around code that can fail. However, the following points must be considered when using exception handling.
  1. Exceptions must be used for truly exception situations.
  2. Exceptions shouldn’t be thrown if the try – catch – finally code should be re-executed as a result of the exception.
  3. Wherever possible, try – finally should be used instead of try-catch as catch usually eats up the exception.
  4. Blanket exception swallowing is generally not advisable.


                        public void FooBar( )
                                                /// some code
                                    catch( Exception e )

                        public void FooBar( )

                                                // some code


            The above code is similar to the blanket exception handling in C++ using catch( ... ).

  1. Exceptions shouldn’t leak internal information that can be used for exploits against the target machine.

  1. One should try to use (or derive from ) the existing exceptions class as much as possible.

  1. An exception class should have at least the top three constructors

            public class XxxException : YyyException
                        public XxxException ( ) {  }
                        public XxxException ( string message ) { }
                        public XxxException ( string message, Exception inner ) { }

Passing by reference and the out parameter: Passing by reference should be considered if the structure is large. Passing large structs by value could cause the stack overflow problem. The design guidelines also suggest using a reference type, i.e., class if the size of the structure is greater than sixteen octets.

Structs and classes: C# structures are different than the C++ structures in a couple of important ways.
1.     C# structure doesn’t have a default constructor.
2.     An instance of a C# class is typically created using new. However, an instance of a structure can be created without using new.
3.     Inheritance is not supported for structures.

This can be illustrated using the following example.

Point a = new Point( 10, 10 );
Point b = a;
a.x = 100;
System.Console.WriteLine( b.x );

If point is a structure, b.x will be 10 and not 100. This is because at the time of assignment, a copy of “a” is made and assigned to b. If point were a class, b.x would also be 100 as “a” and “b” would refer to the same object.

Sealing a class: A class should be declared as sealed to prevent unintended derivation. An example of a singleton class can show this usage:

public sealed class DBNull
            private DBNull( ) { }
            public static readonly DBNull _SingletonInstance = new DBNull( );
            // instance methods
            A singleton pattern is sealed to prevent further instances of this class from being created via inheritance.

Inheritance and the base class: In C# a class can inherit from only one class. This being the case, the developer needs to be careful to identify if one should use a base interface as opposed to a base class. It is also good to avoid using both an interface and a class at the same time.

Public class MyClass : A, B
                        => Derivation from multiple classes is supported in C++ but not in C#.

Instead, use an instance of B inside of MyClass
Public class MyClass: A
            public B MyBe{ get { … } }

Interfaces should contain a few, focused methods.

Using FxCop: FxCop is a static code analysis tool that can be used for checks against design guidelines, possible performance improvements, security issues etc. It is highly recommended that FxCop be used against the code generated and the bugs fixed.

Nested classes: In general, using nested classes in a design is not advisable. It is generally advisable to have one file contain one class/interface implementation.

Unmanaged Code, calling win32 code: The following points must be considered when using unmanaged code from managed code.
  1. Review GC.KeepAlive calls when using P/Invoke calls and Finalize( ) does the cleanup of unmanaged resources.
  2. Don’t block indefinitely in unmanaged code – this could cause denial of service attacks.
  3. Finalize( ) should be free of synchronization problems.

[2] Code Complete by Steve McConnell
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