Monday, October 28, 2013

Windows Communication Foundation - Gotchas

Gotcha: Server is always receiving a NULL value parameter though the client is sending the appropriate data. Method signature in the proxy and wsdls seem to be correct.
Solution: Look for the name of the parameter in the generated wsdls. WCF does a string comparison of the parameters, therefore, watch out to see if the wsdls and the generated proxies have an exact match even in the parameter names. A trained programmer mind might often overlook this fact since in the world of computer programming method signatures matter and the actual parameter names are irrelevant.

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C# - How to change Date in Visual Studio Debugger

1. Set the breakpoint
2. Open your DateTime variable in QuickWatch for example (right click)
3. In Expression text box enter new value, this is example if your variable name is "dt":
dt = dt.AddDays(3) or DateTime.Parse or new DateTime()
 4. Press enter and continue executing project

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