Friday, November 15, 2013

JAXDUG meetup on SignalR : Key takeaways

  • A project that started off as an open source that is now part of the official .NET Framework 4.5.
  • An Server Side functionality to push content out to the browsers(clients). This allows real-time web updates to the browsers.
  • It is officially part of the HTML5 specifications.
  • Supports WebSocket implementation.
  • For SignalR to use WebSocket, IIS8 and Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8 is required.
  • SignalR Hubs API allows us to make remote Procedure Calls(RPCs) from Server to Client and vice versa.
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Monday, November 11, 2013

ASP.Net Troubleshooting

  • Troubleshooting 503 “service unavailable” errors:
A common “what the hell just happened” error is the plain 503 “service available” error that looks like this:
While there may be several reasons why this may occur, in this specific case, the 503 error was occurring because the Application pool failed to start. This was because the password was changed recently for the  Identity under which the application pool was trying to run. Fix was to go to the IIS Manager-> Application Pool -> Advanced Settings -> Process Model -> Identity and set the password to the new one.
It would also help to check the Event Viewer Logs(Event Viewer (Local) -> Windows Logs -> Application to look for specific causes of failure before proceeding to troubleshoot any further.
  •  'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine error:         
This issue happened because of missing drivers to access OLE DB and also the fact that the drivers are not compatible with 64 bit OS. Follow the following steps to fix this issue:
1. Install Microsoft Access 2010 Database Engine from
2. Go to the website's application pool in IIS, choose advanced settings, and set Enable 32-bit applications to FALSE.
3.  Restart the website.
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